
She makes me feel like i'm not allowed to have my own thoughts and opinions. If i dont feel the same way about something i'm wrong.


The butterflies in my tummy have lead wings.

Cheer tryouts are tomorrow.
I am so scared that everyone will make it but me.
It is how it works.
I will try so hard, and want it so bad, and then everyone will get a spot but me.
On friday when the lists of who made it go up, my name wont be there.
Hayley's will.
Mine wont.
I'm afraid to even try.
I dont want to have to pretend to be happy for everyone else if I dont make it.


I think I needed today.

I needed a one on one day today because it has been so long since I have hung out with just Hayley. I dont really see her very often at all. see Rachel every hour at school so there isn't a problem of not seeing her. But I only really see Hay for an hour a day. Ray and Hay have different personalities and like different things so it's nice to have one on one time with both of them. When I am just wanting to chill for the night and watch movies and relax, Rachel is always there. I can also go to her to share and talk about books that we are reading. But our personalities are so similar. They aren't exactly the same and we have a lot of differences but we are still a lot alike. And when we are together so often we get frustrated with the other and need to just step away for awhile. So today I needed a little Bungalow Biker time :)

Our day goes like this:

At the start of lunch we go and wait for Hunter(Hay's love interest) to drive us to my house. His car is clean! It was so weird because he is a guy and I am usually expecting guys to have messy cars, but his only had his school stuff and an extra coat in the back seat! Okay so, Hayley and I were thinking it was going to be awkward (52) but it wasn't at all. So we are driving to my house and Hayley and him are chatting away and I am just smiling in the backseat because it is just so darn cute! He talks all soft and quiet and he is just silly. We were both kinda mesmerized by his driving because he was able to hold on a conversation and still drive a stick. When we get to my house he pulls into the driveway and I say "Please excuse the Halloween decorations," and he just says, "I thought you guys were Satan worshippers." I knew it was his fate to be with Hayley from then on. Once we got to my house Hay and I set of on our bike riding adventure like we would do this summer. But it started to rain. So we go to taco bell and order up. And I mean order up! So we get our food and sit by the window for almost two hours just talking. When we are getting up to leave I realize that I have dropped the bike lock key in the trash. While trying to get it out Amanda Harrison(best friend from baby-5th grade that I haven't seen in years) walks up and tries to make small talk. All the while I am laughing and giggling with Hayley about the key that I have now lost for the second time in an hour. Then we make our way back to my house, but on the way I smile at a boy in a car and he honks at me. :) And then my bike petal starts falling off and Hayley's tires are flat so we stop under a tree where it is dry and take pictures of us soaking wet, holding the tacos that we offered Hunter. We send him the best picture and walk our bikes back to my house. When we get home we get on the computer and look at Hunter's pictures and then look up the origin of everyones last names. Sanders have the lowest life expectancy. Cool. So then we decide to take a nap on the couch. We try but get distracted by Full House and want to go ride bikes again. So I take my sisters and we go to AMPM to fill up the air in Hay's tires. The man at the store doesn't make us pay so we get free air, man! And then we go to Papa's Ice Cream and get the hugest ice creams ever. Not the best idea, but Papa is super sweet and funny. So we waddle back to our bikes and ride home. When we get her we sit on my bed and just talk again. Then I show her Harry Potter pickup lines and explain them all to her because she hasn't read the books but Hunter likes them. So after that I show my mom what Matt(he is the guy that likes me) looks like. He looks like Patrick Star. And now I am talking to Rachel about her adventure today. Good day indeed.

And now that this is crazy long, I'm off. Goodbye.
